Use of Em Movimento

Article 1 (Regarding these Terms of Use)

This Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") governs the Em Movimento app and accompanying services (hereinafter referred to as the "Services") provided by Waimea Apps and Services (hereinafter referred to as "we"). (hereinafter referred to as “user”). Please be sure to agree to the following Terms of Use before using the Service. The Company reserves the right to change these Terms at any time and for any reason without prior notice to the User. The revised Terms shall take effect from the time they are displayed on the Service, and if the User uses the Service after the revised Terms have taken effect, the User agrees to the revised Terms. regarded as a thing.

Article 2 (Definition of Terms)

The following terms used in these Terms shall have the following meanings:

"Content" means all types of data including text, photographs, sounds, music, pictures and images. “User Content” means content created by a User using the Service.

Article 3 (Regarding the use of this service)

The Company may view all user content within the Service (including all information posted, edited, and transmitted to the Service using the functions of the Service) as necessary for operation. If it is determined that it violates these Terms of Use, etc., all or part of the user content may be unpublished or deleted without prior notice to the user. This service is available free of charge, with the exception of some services and content. However, the user is responsible for the communication charges associated with the use of this service. The Service may provide links to external websites and content. We are not responsible for any damages caused by these websites and contents. The Company shall be able to take all legal measures that it deems necessary to prevent unauthorized access to the Service.

Article 4 (Modification of Services)

The Company may add, change, suspend, or terminate the Service and the rules of the Service at any time for its own convenience, and shall not be liable to the User. The Company reserves the right to impose restrictions on the functions and tools of the Service, such as charges and age restrictions, as necessary.

Article 5 (Maintenance of usage environment)

Users shall take security measures such as prevention of unauthorized access and information leakage according to their usage environment. The Company shall not be involved in any way with respect to the User's usage environment, nor shall it assume any responsibility.

Article 6 (Intellectual Property Rights, etc.)

The Company shall own all rights related to the content provided by the Company within the Service, and shall license to the User the patent rights, utility model rights, trademark rights, copyrights, and other rights held by the Company. It shall not be a thing.

Article 7 (User Responsibilities)

Users shall use this service at their own responsibility. The User agrees that the Company will monitor unauthorized use of the Service. Users shall guarantee that they do not infringe on the trademarks, copyrights, other intellectual property rights, publicity rights, and privacy rights of third parties when using this service. The User agrees to allow other Users to view, access, display, store, and copy User Content within the scope of personal use, and that User Content may be used by other Users on other companies' social networking services, etc., through the Service. You agree that you may be introduced. The user agrees that the "contents" obtained through this service will be invalidated by canceling the use of this service or deleting the data stored in the usage environment.

Article 8 (Consent of User to Company)

The Company collects information on the status of use of the Service and uses user content, etc. for advertisement of the Service, marketing analysis, third-party products or advertisements related to the Service, improvement or maintenance of the Service, etc. and the User agrees.

Article 9 (Prohibitions)

In using this service, the user shall not do the following acts. ・Acts of using items or exchanging money by methods other than those specified by the Company ・Acts that attempt to gain profits within the Service by using actions not intended by the Company. ・Acts of using information posted on this service for purposes other than using this service ・Acts of impersonating a third party and using the Service ・Acts that slander or defame the Company or a third party, or acts that are likely to do so ・Acts that infringe or may infringe the copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights, or any other intellectual property rights of the Company or a third party ・Acts of providing false information to this service ・Acts that violate laws, public order and morals, or acts that are likely to do so ・Acts of transmitting information containing computer viruses or other harmful programs ・Acts of deciphering, decompiling, disassembling, reverse engineering, etc. software for providing this service ・Intentionally overloading the system of this service ・Other acts that the Company deems inappropriate In the event that the User engages in any prohibited act, the Company may immediately take measures deemed necessary by the Company, such as suspension of use of the Service. However, we will not be held responsible for that. In the event that the Company suffers damage due to the prohibited acts in paragraph 1 of this article, the user shall compensate for the damage.

Article 10 (Disclaimer)

The use of all information provided in this service shall be done under the user's own responsibility, and the Company shall not be involved in any damages, troubles, lawsuits, etc. caused to the user in connection with the use of such information. , shall not be held responsible for it. The Company may suspend part or all of the Service without prior notice to the User if the Company deems it necessary. In this case, the Company shall not be held responsible for any damages or disadvantages incurred by the User. The Company does not guarantee that there are no bugs or failures in the Service. We will not be held responsible even if this occurs. The Company may change or discontinue all or part of the Service without prior notice to the User, and shall not be held responsible for any damages or disadvantages incurred by the User due to the change or discontinuation of the Service. will do. If there is a link or guidance, etc. other than this service during this service, we will not be responsible for the content of the link destination, etc. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damages or disadvantages incurred by the User as a result of unauthorized acts such as unauthorized modification of the Service, unauthorized access to data relating to the Service, or contamination with a computer virus. shall not be held liable. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damages caused by slowdowns in display speed or failures of this product due to excessive access or other unforeseen factors. The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by or in connection with the Service other than those stipulated in this article.

Article 11 (Compensation for damages)

If the user violates this agreement or causes damage to the Company or a third party through the use of this service, the user shall compensate for the damage at his/her own responsibility and expense.

Article 12 (Governing Law)

The governing law of these Terms shall be the law of Japan. The Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive jurisdictional court of first instance for all disputes relating to these Terms and the Service.

  • Em Movimento
  • Use of terms
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